STARLIGHT meets the European Commission and Euromontana
On 12th and 13th December 2024, in Bruxelles, a delegation of the STARLIGHT project had fruitful meetings with representatives of the European Commission and Euromontana (European Association of Mountain Areas)
Great experience during our last (online and onsite) Starlight project meeting in Brussels at the Cantabrian Representation: On 12th December we presented the Starlight project results to Mrs Maria-Christina Makrandreou and Mr Gonzalo Hernando from the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) of the European Commission. We handed over the “Call for Action” as an outcome of the Spanish Summer School where the Starlight project participants called for more opportunities top work together in formats like the Summer Schools for rural development. Special thanks to Maria-Christina and Gonzalo for their great advice and engagement.
On 13th December we met Mrs Blandine Camus from Euromontana, the European multi-stakeholder network for sustainable development and quality of life in the mountains. We presented to her the final results of the Starlight project including opportunities coming from astrotourism and discussed several opportunities arising from the results. We handed over to her the “Call for Action” from the Spanish Summer School. Thank you, Blandine, for your ideas including your offer to spread our results to the network members and all your inspiration for future projects!