The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics is the main Italian research institute for the study of the Universe. INAF promotes the enhancement of the research results conducted or coordinated by its astronomers. Besides research in astronomy and astrophysics, INAF is very active in education towards student in schools and society through dissemination, educational and outreach activities. These activities are carried out by the 16 research facilities spread all over the country. INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, the leading partner of STARLIGHT, is one of the most important research institutes in Piedmont (NW Italy) and its a history dates back to the mid-18th century. Currently more than 100 people (among researchers, technician, administration, students) collaborate with the Observatory activities.

The Tyrolean Environmental Ombudsoffice represents the interests of nature and the environment and is mainly involved in advocacy work in the context of nature conservation and waste disposal proceedings, and environmental impact assessments (EIA), for which it has a legal mandate. In addition to working as a party in the relevant proceedings, the Tyrolean Environmental Ombudsoffice also addresses subjects of current interest in the field of nature protection and promotes awareness building and education for the need to protect and preserve the natural environment.
Since 1999 the Tyrolean Environmental Ombudsoffice works on the topic of artificial light at night – originally with the idea of saving some of the millions of nocturnal insects that die a pointless death by light. Over the years, other important perspectives have been added, such as the negative health effects of light pollution. Fruitful cooperation has been established with partners from various disciplines like astronomy, medicine, environmental protection and nature conservation in Austria and Europe.

The National Business Development Network (NBDN) is an association of 42 business centres and business incubators. Our mission is to create a new entrepreneurial culture, to improve the standard of living through various forms of support for the development of small and medium businesses and ensuring greater employment opportunities in the rural and lagging-behind areas of Bulgaria. Established in 2003, the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) of NBDN provides vocational training in 28 vocational sectors, 95 specialties and 179 professions, including entrepreneurship, management, marketing, agriculture, tourism, Information Communication and Technology (ICT), soft skills, etc. The centre is licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training.
GAL Escartons and Valli Valdesi (GAL EVV) is a limited liability company with a mixed corporate social capital, with 57% owned by public corporations and 43% by private shareholders. The Local Action Group started operating in 2003 as a company in a territory that includes five alpine valleys. Over the years, the GAL – being strongly representative of the territory – built relationships with more than 50 municipalities and many private companies: important sectoral initiatives have been created in the agricultural, forestry and agro-industry fields. In addition, GAL was involved in interesting paths to discovering local history and culture, as well as projects for valorisation and collaboration between entities and companies involved.
Its mission is local development through projects of territory valorisation, economical and touristic development and innovation, land resilience, sustainable mobility.

Kultur und Arbeit e. V. is a non-profit, cultural-economic and European-oriented institution with offices in Berlin and Bad Mergentheim. Kultur und Arbeit is a service provider for the creative industries including cultural heritage preservation and cultural tourism and offers support: in training for the heritage and tourism related labour market; in the preparation of cultural economic studies; for expert opinions; as an operator of educational and labour market projects with training aspect for the creative industries; as a promoter of cultural economy, creative industries, and cultural tourism.
The association has acquired European expertise and a profile especially for the areas above. Current main areas of work: heritage preservation activities, encouragement of citizens’ participation in cultural heritage conservation, cultural and religious tourism in rural areas, contributions to regional plans and training for the European cultural labour market.

The RDA of Northern Primorska has been established in 1999 to identify the needs in economic and social environment and to stimulate regional development. Today there are 11 employees in 5 fields of work, among which the Local Business Centre which stimulates SMEs’ development and promotes innovative activities, the Department for Regional Development and International Cooperation which takes care of sustainable development and economic growth in the Goriška region, the Department for the development of Human Resources, the Department for rural Development and the Project Office. The RDA has prepared the Regional Development Plan 2014-2020 and 2021 – 2027 for the Goriška Region and the strategic objectives are to promote innovation and technological development in the economy of the region, safeguard its environment, natural and cultural heritage of the area as well as to stimulate sustainable tourism in our region. One of the strategic objectives is to improve the conditions for a quality life of the inhabitants, with the implementation of measures for reduction of inequality and increase the social inclusion of the citizens. RDA’s main business is helping local authorities and other public and private bodies of the region with the scope to promote sustainable and responsible regional development. The main activity of RDA is also to prepare the implementation and monitoring of cooperation and local, regional, transnational and international cooperation projects, with approximately 150 projects already carried out.

Fundación Camino Lebaniego is a non-profit organisation as an instrument of co-participation of Cantabrian society with the public authorities in social, cultural, scientific and other areas. Cultural pilgrimages linked to religious events are a social and economic phenomenon that has always been deeply rooted in western society.
Fundación Camino Lebaniego pursues aims of general interest, in order to enhance the value of the Camino Lebaniego beyond the celebration of a specific Jubilee Year, to make Cantabria known, favouring its development in sectors such as economic, social, cultural, religious, historical, patrimonial and natural.