
6 September 2024

Earth Night

Earth Night is an event where people try to reduce artificial outdoor light as much as possible one night a year. This promotion always takes place on the Friday in September that is closest to the night of the new moon. From 10 pm at the latest, it’s time to turn off the lights! For a whole night.

Link to event-page:

24-31 October 2024

Bat Week

Bat Week is an international, annual celebration designed to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation. Bats are amazing creatures that are vital to the health of our natural world and economy. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – eating tons of insects, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and trees.

Link to event-page:

8-9 November 2024

Under One Sky Global Conference

Hosted by Dark Sky International this is an annual virtual conference of dark sky advocates and supporters from around the world.

Link to conference-page:

Past Events

9-12 July 2024

LPTMM Conference 2024

Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling and Measurements

International Dark Sky Park Attersee-Traunsee, Upper Austria

Link to the conference-page:

2-8 April 2024

International Dark Sky Week

International Dark Sky Week is a worldwide celebration of the dark and natural night.

More information under:

6 March 2024

The Conference Light Pollution 2024

Following the successful international workshop Light Pollution 2022 and the webinar Light Pollution 2023, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Four, will now hold the conference Light Pollution 2024. The conference, scheduled for the 6th March in the premises of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, aims at reopening the discussion on the regulation of light pollution in Europe and its impact on both the environment and human health.

In order to participate, please register by February 11th, 2024.

More info on the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic website.

21 February – 6 March – 20 March 2024

VNÖ Webinars

The Organisation of Austrian Nature Parks (VNÖ) offers three webinars on the subject of Communicating the Night and the Effects of Light Pollution, that will be held respectively on 21st February, on 6th March and on 20th March 2024.

More info on the Organisation of Austrian Nature Parks (VNÖ) website.

17 February 2024

The Local Initiatives of the Italian STARLIGHT Participants

Come and discover the territory of some of the STARLIGHT participants through a series of evenings and activities about both the importance of the dark skies and the night as a tourist opportunity. These evenings, organised by the Italian STARLIGHT participants themselves, will also be attended by INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) and GAL Escartons and Valli Valdesi, Italian partners of the Erasmus+ STARLIGHT project.

In particular, the first event, The Charm of the Night at the Planetarium, will be held on 17th February 2024 at the planetarium of Pino Torinese. Indeed, on the occasion of M’illumino di Meno, Italy’s National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles, it will be possible to visit the Astronomy and Space Museum of, to live an immersive experience in the planetarium with a show on light pollution, and, weather permitting, to observe the stars with telescopes.

More info on the GAL Escartons and Valli Valdesi and the Astronomy and Space Museum of websites.

16 February 2024

M’illumino di Meno – Italy’s National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles

As every year since the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, on 16th February, M’illumino di Meno, the Rai Radio2 campaign that led to the establishment of Italy’s National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles, will promote environmental awareness encouraging listeners to adopt eco-gestures in their everyday life, e.g. switching to energy saving light bulbs, turning off unnecessary lights and appliances, favouring sustainable transportation, choosing circular economy, supporting reforestation…

Please check out last year’s M’illumino di Meno interview of Daniele Gardiol (INAF) for the Rai Radio2 broadcast Caterpillar, where he presented the EU-funded STARLIGHT project.

More info on the M’illumino di Meno website.

3-4 November 2023

Under one sky Global Conference

Join the global community of advocates protecting the night sky for Under One Sky 2023 — a 24-hour virtual event that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered to combat light pollution in your region. You’ll hear from experts and storytellers in the dark sky movement, connect with passionate individuals from DarkSky’s global network, and learn about hands-on activities and tools that you can use to protect the night. 

More infos on the Under one sky web page.

25 October 2023

Light pollution 2023 Online Webinar 9:00 – 12:00

Almost a year has passed since the successful international workshop Light Pollution 2022, held under the Czech Presidency to the EU in Brno. This year, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic will follow up with an expert webinar.

The programme will feature news from the regulatory approaches to light pollution in various European countries as well as interesting international projects.

The event will be held in English

More infos on the website of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.

19-22 October 2023

22nd Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

The 22nd Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF), that will take place from October 19th to October 22nd, 2023, has become one of the leading nature and environmental film festivals in Europe and is held in English. On this occasion, the INFF, together with the Tyrol Competence Centre for Light Pollution and Night Skies (Helle Not) of the Tyrolean Environmental Ombudsoffice, is organising an exclusive and diverse focus with lectures, excursions and two film screenings.

DARK SKIES IN THE ALPINE REGION – Reduction of Light Pollution & Value of Starry Skies

With Ruskin Hartley, Executive Director of DarkSky International and further leading experts.

There will be an experience-based, free offer at the nexus of science and practice with lectures, excursions and film screenings for experts, film-makers, organisations, authorities, lighting planners, students and those interested in the magic of untouched nights.

More infos on the website of the 22nd Innsbruck Nature Film Festival (INFF)