Bright Side of the Night

Discover the effects of darkness on humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. Find out how we can use artificial light in a responsible manner for people and the planet.

  • What is chronobiology, or a circadian rhythm?
  • How does artificial light stress life on earth and our ecosystems?
  • Why shall we put the screens away if we aim for sweet dreams and a good night’s sleep?
  • How do insects or snails, mammals or birds, fungi or plants live at night?

2.1 Earths Nature at Night

2.2 Life at Night: Profiles of Selected Animals, Plants, Fungi

2.2.1 Mammals

2.2.2 Birds

2.2.3 Amphibians

2.2.4 Reptiles

2.2.5 Fishes

2.2.6 Insects

2.2.7 Snails and Slugs

2.2.8 Plants

2.2.9 Fungi

2.3 Is Artificial Light at Night a Stress Factor for Biodiversity?

2.4 Humans at Night

2.5 Is Artificial Light at Night a Stress Factor for Humans?