The three schools of the STARLIGHT project are full-immersion five-day residential courses. Indeed, through the experiential learning activities programmed, the STARLIGHT participants will be able to build on, broaden and deepen the knowledge and the know-how acquired during the three STARLIGHT webinars.

In particular, the STARLIGHT schools aim to build intercultural and cross-sectoral understanding, to create networks across borders as well as across a wide range of professionals and experts, and to produce draft proposals for the development of dark sky tourism and the mitigation of light pollution.

The three STARLIGHT schools, the final step of the STARLIGHT project itself, will be held in three of the six countries of the partnership, i.e. Razlog (Bulgaria), Pragelato (Italy), and Potes (Spain).

Check out the following project documents, written by the STARLIGHT partnership, in order to discover more about how to implement a European project and how to organise a training summer school.

The STARLIGHT Summer School Format

The STARLIGHT Working Guidance

The STARLIGHT Experience Box

  • Date: 25th - 29th September 2023 
  • Duration: 5-day learning experience + 2 days travel
  • Destination: Razlog, Bulgaria
  • Topics: entrepreneurship, digital marketing and customer care

The first school of the STARLIGHT project took place in Razlog, Bulgaria, from the 25th to 29th September 2023. The fourteen participants, arriving from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy and Spain, were hosted by the National Business Development Network (NBDN), i.e. the Bulgarian partner of the STARLIGHT project.


Day 1 – 25th September 2023

The school started with a warm welcome from Gergana Kolcheva, deputy mayor of Razlog, who underlined the importance of astrotourism for both the environment and the diversification and development of the tourism sector.

Then, Atanas Krantchev (NBDN), after presenting the agenda and the expected results of the STARLIGHT school, conducted an ice-breaking session in order to let the participants get to know each other before dividing them into three teams, named Cassiopeia, Lyra and Cygnus, according to their individual interests and skills.

In the afternoon, the STARLIGHT participants got the chance to present their homework from Webinar #2 and #3 to each other, thus inspiring their colleagues and showing their interest in astrotourism.

Finally, Stefanie Pontasch (TyEO) and Katya Vladova, Chief Assistant Professor from the Management and Administration Department of the University of Economics of Varna, presented, respectively, the Business Model Canvas and the LEAN entrepreneurship method, in order to give the participants the necessary tools to complete their week’s assignment, namely the creation of a business model for the observation of dark skies.



















Day 2 – 26th September 2023

The second day of the STARLIGHT school started with a presentation on decision-making skills for entrepreneurs by Petar Petrov, Chief Assistant Professor from the Management and Administration Department of the University of Economics of Varna. In particular, he illustrated the main decision-making techniques, the DECIDE model, and a case study about “StarryTrail Adventures”, a small tourist company specialised in experiential tourism.

Then, one of the participants of the STARLIGHT school herself, Etta Dannemann, being a star guide and a Startup Coach for the Digital Economy Association of Berlin-Brandenburg, presented one of her own business model on astrotourism, as well as some examples of best practices in stargazing around the world. After that, Enrico Di Nola gave some feedback on the participants’ homework for Webinar #1, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.

In the afternoon, the participants visited the Razlog Historical Museum, where they met Iva Nakova, owner of a guest house and a horse stable, who illustrated the concept of customer care and how she was able to grow her businesses. Moreover, the STARLIGHT group visited the SPA village of Banya and its Roman bath, as well as an exhibition on the flora and fauna of the Pirin National Park.

Finally, after dinner, the STARLIGHT participants were able to take a stroll into the meadows, guided by a local park ranger and Stefanie Pontasch (TyEO), in order to learn about the local nocturnal wildlife and verify the quality of the artificial light coming from street lamps, hotels and other buildings.



















Day 3 – 27th September 2023

The third day of the STARLIGHT school started with a session of group work. Indeed, after identifying their business case on the very first day of the summer school, the three groups, Cassiopeia, Lyra and Cygnus, kept on working on their Business Model Canvas, coached and supervised by the mentors.

Then, Tsvetan Tsvetkov, from the Institute of Astronomy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, gave a presentation about astrotourism and his own experience as a scientist working in an observatory and organising visits and solar observations for the general public.

After having dinner at a local rural guest house, where the participants also had the chance to wear the traditional costumes and learn the local dances, the STARLIGHT group enjoyed a brief stargazing tour, conducted by Milen Minev, from the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory.



















Day 4 – 28th September 2023

The fourth day of the STARLIGHT school started with yet another group work session, in order to allow the participants to complete their business models in view of the afternoon’s multiplier event, held at the House of Culture of Razlog.

Indeed, after Atanas Krantchev’s presentation of the STARLIGHT project and Tsvetan Tsvetkov’s  presentation of the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory, the three groups of the STARLIGHT project had the chance to present their business models to both the stakeholders and the general public, in the conference hall of Razlog's House of Culture.

The multiplier event was attended by more than 40 stakeholders, i.e. representatives of the local authorities, the hospitality businesses, the vocational training institutions, the schools, the Local History Museum, the NGOs, and some private citizens of Razlog, simply  interested in the topic of astrotourism.



















Day 5 – 29th September 2023

The fifth and last day of the STARLIGHT school, the participants attended a class on social media activities and created a Working Guidance in order to provide recommendations to those interested in engaging in astrotourism. Indeed, the Working Guidance aims to both develop and implement successful tourism offerings, on the basis of the participants’ practical experiences during the STARLIGHT summer school.

Finally, before the return journey, the participants visited and ate at the Peri Volas horse stable in Bachevo, near Razlog.

















  • Date: 15th - 19th April 2024 
  • Duration: 5-day learning experience + 2 days travel
  • Destination: Pragelato, Italy
  • Topics: experiential tourism, territorial marketing, experience box

The second school of the STARLIGHT project took place in Pragelato, Italy, from the 15th to 19th April 2024. The fourteen participants, arriving from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Spain, were hosted by GAL Escartons and Valli Valdesi (GAL EVV) and Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), i.e. the two Italian partners of the STARLIGHT project.


Day 1 – 15th April 2024

The STARLIGHT Spring School began at the Tourist Office of Pragelato, where Monica Berton welcomed the STARLIGHT participants and presented the tourist offering of the area.

Then, Remy Baltieri (GAL EVV), before explaining the agenda and the expected results of the STARLIGHT school, i.e. the creation of an Experience Box, introduced in greater detail the history and legends of the Chisone Valley, in order to draw the participants into the local reality of the territory.

During the ice-breaking session that followed, the participants had the chance to present themselves and to get to know each other better through the escape room activity designed by Sara Zarrinchang.

Following the ice-breaking session, Monique Hayek (TyEO) explained in detail what an Experience Box is, providing some case studies and introducing the Orchestra Model approach for the creation of a tourism experience. Furthermore, she presented the scrapbook, a notebook in both print and digital formats to be used by the participants as a common organiser.

In the afternoon, Chiara Lamberti (INAF) and Carlos Fernández Martínez (FCL) conducted the Poster Activity, during which the three STARLIGHT participants who had already attended the STARLIGHT Summer School in Bulgaria, i.e. David Sanchez, Dara Cinzova, and Sarah Berger, presented their Business Model Canvas in order to start a conversation about the homework. Indeed, the three Business Models, as well as the homework of the three STARLIGHT webinars were printed and hung up in a common room for the whole week, with a view to getting the participants inspired for the creation of their Experience Box.

Finally, after dinner, the STARLIGHT participants attended an astrophotography and stargazing evening organised by Emanuele Balboni ( – Planetarium of Turin), Daniele Gardiol (INAF), and two of the participants themselves, Andreas Neurauter and Tobias Muster.



















Day 2 – 16th April 2024

The second day of the STARLIGHT Spring School was spent between the villages of Usseaux and Pomaretto, near Pragelato.

In the morning, entrepreneur and territorial marketing expert Matteo Dispenza presented today’s main tourism trends, through various case studies, and explained how to sell an experience.

Then, after lunch, in the form of a World Café, the STARLIGHT participants had the chance to meet with local stakeholders and tour operators, previously introduced by Luca Versino (GAL EVV), in order to gather some practical information and some new ideas for the development of their Experience Box.

In the evening, the STARLIGHT participants were welcomed by Danilo Breusa, the mayor of Pomaretto, to visit the Ramìe vineyard, the brand new Ramìe Glamping, consisting of multiple small cottages with a retractable roof specifically designed for stargazing, and the zipline structure crossing the valley.

Finally, the STARLIGHT participants stayed at the Chabot of the Ramìe vineyard for a dinner of local food and wine tasting and a final naked-eye stargazing session conducted by the astrophile association Urania.



















Day 3 – 17th April 2024

The third day of the STARLIGHT Spring School started with a group work session, in order to allow the STARLIGHT participants to further develop the experiential packages of their Experience Box. Indeed, divided into three groups and inspired by the activities of the first two days, especially by the meeting with the local tour operators, the participants worked on three distinct tour packages specifically designed for the territory of the Chisone Valley.

In the afternoon, Enrico di Nola gave an in-depth presentation on storytelling, thus helping the STARLIGHT participants to further develop their tour packages from a narrative perspective. In particular, the participants decided on the leitmotif of the Experience Box, i.e. the Dahu, a legendary creature of the area and, of course, an excellent characterising element of the territory of the Chisone Valley.

In the evening, after visiting the Traditional Costume Museum, the STARLIGHT participants met Luca Giunti, a park ranger of the Alpi Cozie Natural Park and a member of the astrophile association Segusini, who gave a moving speech on the impact of light pollution on the flora and fauna of the natural park and the preservation of protected areas.



















Day 4 – 18th April 2024

The fourth day of the STARLIGHT Spring School started with an acting lab, conducted by two actresses of Il Piccolo Teatro d’Arte, Alessia Tucci and Lavinia Buffa. This theatre workshop aimed at boosting the participants’ fluency and confidence in public speaking, through some physical, diction, and theatre exercises, in view of the following day’s multiplier event.

In the afternoon, after visiting the Fenestrelle Fortress and learning even more about the local history, the STARLIGHT participants had another work group session in order to finalise the three experience packages of their Experience Box.

Finally, after dinner, the participants had an evening of vin brulé and Occitan music thanks to the Lou Magnaut Cultural Association, whose members played the ghironda and taught the STARLIGHT participants the steps to some traditional dances.



















Day 5 – 19th April 2024

The fifth and last day of the STARLIGHT Spring School started with the final multiplier event, hosted by Confcooperative Piemonte and with the participation of Francesca Sibilla, on behalf of Turismo Torino e Provincia, Simona Rachetto, on behalf of – Planetarium of Turin, Museum of Astronomy and Space, and Matteo Dispenza, on behalf of CTC Turismo Cooperativo.

After Daniele Gardiol (INAF) and Remy Baltieri (GAL EVV)’s brief presentation of the Erasmus+ STARLIGHT project and the STARLIGHT Spring School, all of the materials designed by the STARLIGHT participants during the week, from reels to videos and playlists, were shown to the local stakeholders as part of the presentation of their Dahu-themed Experience Box.

In the afternoon, after having lunch at a local agritourism, in Pino Torinese, the STARLIGHT participants had the chance to visit the Astronomy and Space Museum of and to live an immersive experience in the planetarium with a show on light pollution.

Finally, after one last dinner together, the STARLIGHT participants said their goodbyes before their return journey home.

  • Date: 9th - 13th September 2024 
  • Duration: 5-day learning experience + 2 days travel
  • Destination: Potes, Spain
  • Topics: nature and biodiversity, light pollution reduction, environment protection and biodiversity preservation

The third and final school of the STARLIGHT project took place in Potes, Spain, from the 9th to 13th September 2024. The twenty participants, arriving from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain, were hosted by Fundación Camino Lebaniego (FCL), i.e. the Spanish partner of the STARLIGHT project.


Day 1 – 9th September 2024

The STARLIGHT Summer School began at the Centro de Estudios Lebaniegos of Potes, where Pilar Gómez Bahamonde (FCL), Carlos Fernández (FCL), and the mayors of Potes and Pesaguero welcomed the STARLIGHT participants to Liébana.

In the afternoon, the participants immediately got the chance to discover the territory, visiting the beautiful villages of Mogrovejo and Espinama, before going to Fuente Dé in order to take the cable car and venture into the Picos de Europa National Park.

Once arrived on top, the STARLIGHT participants hiked to the Hotel Áliva, where they were greeted by the mayor of Camaleño, dined, and spent the night surrounded by nature.



















Day 2 – 10th September 2024

On the second day of the STARLIGHT Summer School, after an ice-breaking session guided by Verena Ringler (TyEO), the participants began working on their tour packages, while hiking back to the cable car station.

After lunch, the STARLIGHT participants went back to Potes, where they had the chance to meet with municipalities delegates and local stakeholders in order to gather some practical information and some new ideas about and for the regional territory development.

In the evening, the STARLIGHT participants had the opportunity to try some traditional dishes at a local restaurant, before a night visit to the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana and its surroundings, during which one of the STARLIGHT participants herself, Gudrun Bruckner, gave a talk on biodiversity.



















Day 3 – 11th September 2024

The third day of the STARLIGHT Summer School started with a trip to Lebeña, during which two of the STARLIGHT participants, Michelle Sardon and David Sánchez, talked about their ideas for implementing tourism in the Liébana region

Once visited the church of Santa María de Lebeña, the participants left for Cillorigo, where, divided into five groups and mentored by some of the project partners, i.e. Verena Ringler (TyEO), Karin Drda-Kühn (KuA), Daniele Gardiol (INAF), Chiara Lamberti (INAF), and Remy Baltieri (GAL EVV), they further developed the experiential packages of their Experience Box.

In the afternoon, back in Potes, the STARLIGHT participants attended a fishbowl meeting that allowed them to directly interact with some local stakeholders, in order to specifically customise their five distinct tour packages to the territory of Liébana.

Finally, in the evening, after having a picnic dinner, the STARLIGHT participants ventured into the chestnut grove of Habario de Pendes.




















Day 4 – 12th September 2024

On the fourth day of the STARLIGHT Summer School, while going to the beautiful towns of Piasca and Pesaguero, two of the STARLIGHT participants, Marianna Inuso and Isolde Pedercini, talked about the tourism dynamics in the Liébana region from a sociological and anthropological point of view.

Once arrived in Pesaguero, the STARLIGHT participants were able to finalise the five experience packages of their Experience Box.

Therefore, in the afternoon, they got the chance to rehearse their speeches and to present their projects to each other in a joint work group session.



















Day 5 – 13th September 2024

The fifth and last day of the STARLIGHT Summer School started with the final multiplier event, which was held in Tama, Cillorigo de Liébana.

After Carlos Fernández (FCL)’s welcome speech, Daniele Gardiol (INAF)’s presentation of the Erasmus+ STARLIGHT project and Verena Ringler (TyEO)’s brief presentation of the STARLIGHT Summer School activities, Karin Drda-Kühn (KuA) introduced David Sánchez and Ronja Hasler, two of the STARLIGHT participants themselves, who read their Call to Action for the Liébana region.

The final multiplier event continued with the presentations of the five experience packages of the Liébana Experience Box, developed by the twenty STARLIGHT participants during the Summer School week, and ended with an art exhibition and workshop, developed by a STARLIGHT participant, Justine Hartwig, in collaboration with a local artist, Lucía Moure.

Finally, after travelling back to Santander, the STARLIGHT participants shared a final dinner together and said their goodbyes before their return journey home.

School Outputs

Hereafter are the outputs of the STARLIGHT schools, realised and presented at the respective final Multiplier Events by the STARLIGHT participants themselves in order to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during the STARLIGHT school week. From PowerPoint presentations to videos and other creative outputs, here are the STARLIGHT participants’ fictitious tour packages and draft proposals for innovative products in astrotourism.